Welcome to Albert White Matter Research Institute
Unlike heart attacks, the slow and long process of cognitive deterioration does not hurt. Instead, clear thinking slips away in silence and only when enough is lost do we take notice, not knowing when it even happened; and by then, it is too late. Some people seem inexplicably afflicted with cognitive decline or worse, dementia, while others are strikingly resilient and have remarkable brain health through late life. Why is that? What drives that resilience? What drives that ability to bounce back? White matter changes are now recognized for their importance in cognition and cognitive loss. The Albert Research Institute for White Matter and Cognition seek answers to these fundamental questions as vital to our mission to preserve brain health and prevent cognitive impairment.
Mission Statement
The Albert Institute for White Matter Research provides a forum for communication in the advancement of white matter science. It provides a platform for young investigator development, debating new and old ideas, and encouraging/supporting new collaborations and research directions. By fostering better understanding of white matter contributions to cognitive impairment, dementia and disease, it will facilitate and support the discovery and development of therapies that will maintain healthy white matter and nervous system functioning

Goals of the Institute
- Foster medical and scientific research and education in the field of white matter biology, nervous system function, and cognition
- Host workshops to review new research developments and technologies in white matter and cognition
- Support Junior Investigator development and exposure
- Compile updates from the annual workshops and membership and disseminate these to the scientific community
- Select new members for the Scientific Program Committee to ensure annual workshop diversity
- Collaborate with industry, medical facilities, private foundations and governments to further advance its mission and meet its objectives
- Identify and secure benefactors and donators to provide support for Institute Activities
- Identify new avenues for the advancement of white matter and cognition research and treatment collaboration
- Embrace diversity and equality in a serious way. Our program committee diligently works to build a team with a variety of backgrounds, skills, and views. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be. Creating a culture of Equality isn't just the right thing to do, it's also the smart thing to do. It advances science and the collaborations formed at these meetings improve the scientific community.